Saturday, November 22, 2008

Earn $10,235.49 Per Month by Socialize on YUWIE

Stop the boring life! Now you can be having fun and get money

Just looking for, invite your friends, and hang out together, then YOU will be paid using DOLLAR by Yuwie. register for FREE!

My friend said, “There is a new kind of friendster, It is free to join but our activity will be paid until $10,235.49 even more per month. Then I replied that I haven't believed it.

But because it is free and has no risk, I tried to join, if it is not true, I would leave it. After 3 weeks I did some activity in Yuwie, on 15 November I saw in my earning report and I got $ 0.1. It's too little. How will it be $ 10,235.49?

But there was someone which got $ 26.48 after joining Yuwie in 2 months, even $144 in the third month. Then I'm starting to be optimist.

Believe it or not, optimist or pessimist, up to you.

Below is the screenshot of website which is operated in America.

And it is the screenshot of one of Yuwie member's payment.

What, Why, and How much Yuwie pays us?

Yuwie is the first social networking (like friendster) in the world who pays its members.

You will be paid if:
- someone visit your profile page
- someone visit your blog
- someone view all of your comments
- someone see your picture and your video
- someone see your layout page
- you active in control panel (member area)

How can Yuwie pay us?

The logic is easy. When you open a page in Yuwie, It must be there some advertisement on that page.
The simply is like this:
Some corporation put advertisement in Yuwie, the corporation pay Yuwie, and then Yuwie pay us.
It can.

How much Yuwie pay us?

All of page which is opened (per impression or view), will be counted as 1 (one) and will be accumulated with other clicks. Then it will be timed with RSR (a ratio for gross salary) and percentage on each level. Simply,
earnings = RSR x percentage x impressions/1000
Here the percentage for each level:
Level Percentage
You ...10%
1 ........10%
2 ........10%
3 .........4%
4 .........4%
5 .........4%
6 .........4%
7 .........4%
8 .......10%
9 .......10%
10 .....30%

Like the example below, if you invite 3 friends and your friends invite their 3 friends again until 10 levels deep, and every referral opens 1000 pages per month. (RSR = $ 0.5)

You may be think that the commision is too little. Yes, but imagine if next year Yuwie will have many members as many as Friendster has now, then on that time You will be very very rich :). Look at the earning report of one of Yuwie member below. It produced $26.48 on the second month.

Maybe now you ask "how to produce million of views so that I get much bonus?". Like in Friendster, invite your friends to join, then each your friend's activity that they produce will be accumulated with the total of your views, so your will have more total views. :)

Million of view is a rational because the friend you were invited mus be has friends and if he/she invites them then your friend's friends total views will also be accumulated on your total views, more and more until 10 levels deep. Then on that time, you may get $10,235.49 per month.

Find new friends and enjoy on Yuwie. Hang out with old friends and get the dollar :).

WARNING! Which will you choose? Made as slave by Friendster or move to YUWIE? In Yuwie, not only friends, but also dollar will be get on one activity place.

If you choose YUWIE, SIGN UP soon. Click on "JOIN NOW" below!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Yuwie, Jenis Friendster yang Menghasilkan Dollar

Hentikan hidup yang membosankan! Sekarang Anda bisa bersenang-senang sambil dapat uang

“Hanya Dengan Berkenalan, Mengajak Teman Lama, Nongkrong Bareng, maka ANDA Dibayar Dengan DOLLAR Oleh YuwieDaftar GRATIS!

Teman saya bilang, “Ada sejenis Friendster baru, daftarnya gratis tapi aktifitas kita akan dibayar hingga $10,235.49 bahkan lebih/bulan…” Saya bilang, “Ahh… bohooong!”

Tapi karena gratis & tanpa resiko saya coba join, kalau bohong saya tinggalkan… setelah 3 minggu melakukan beberapa aktifitas di Yuwie, pada tanggal 15 November saya lihat di halaman earning report saya ternyata dapat $0.1… wahh kecil sekali… bagaimana mau nyampe $10,235.49?

Tapi ada juga yang dapat $26.48 setelah join 2 bulan dan bahkan ada yang mendapat $144 di bulan ke-3… Saya mulai optimis…

Ada yang percaya, ada yang tidak… ada yang optimis, ada yang pesimis… silahkan itu sah-sah saja… karena kalau semua orang setuju, ketika anda bicara maka yang lain akan memasukkan tangan kedalam saku celananya dan mengatakan “uh huh… uh huh… uh huh…”

Maka dunia ini akan sangat membosankan, bukan?

Ini screenshot website resmi yang dioperasikan dari Amerika…

Dan ini screenshot bukti pembayaran salah satu member Yuwie…

Apa, Kenapa, dan Berapa Yuwie Membayar Anda?

Yuwie adalah social networking (sejenis friendster) pertama di dunia yang membayar para membernya!

Anda akan dibayar ketika siapa saja yang membuka:
- halaman profil anda
- halaman blog anda
- melihat semua komentar anda (view all)
- halaman picture dan video anda
- jika seseorang melihat halaman layout anda
- jika anda beraktifitas di control panel (member area)

Kenapa Yuwie bisa membayar anda?

Logikanya mudah saja. Setiap anda membuka suatu halaman, pasti ada iklan di halaman tersebut. Terutama Google Ads dan Bidvertiser.
Simple-nya seperti ini:
Perusahaan lain beriklan di Yuwie > perusahaan itu membayar Yuwie > Yuwie membayar anda
Sangat logis!

Berapa Yuwie membayar anda?

Per halaman yang dibuka (per impression/view), semua itu akan dihitung 1 (satu) dan akan diakumulasikan.

Anda akan dibayar kira-kira $0.45 per 9.000 views. Seperti contoh di bawah ini seandainya anda mengajak 3 teman dan teman anda mengajak 3 teman lagi hingga kedalaman 10 level, dan setiap referral membuka 1000 halaman per bulan. (Klik gambar di bawah ini untuk lebih jelasnya)

Anda pasti berpikir “kecil sekali komisinya?” Ya, tapi bayangkan jika tahun depan Yuwie memiliki member sebanyak FS, maka pada saat itu anda bisa jadi sangat-sangat kaya :) Lihat earning report salah satu member Yuwie ini menghasilkan $26.48 pada bulan ke-2

Sekarang mungkin anda bertanya… “Bagaimana menghasilkan jutaan views supaya bonus saya besar?” Seperti di FS, ajak teman anda untuk bergabung maka setiap aktifitas teman anda itu, views yang mereka hasilkan akan diakumulasikan dengan total views anda… maka total views anda pasti makin banyak :)

Jutaan views itu sangat mungkin karena teman yang anda ajak pasti punya teman lagi dan jika ia mengajaknya maka total views temannya teman anda itu juga akan diakumulasikan pada total views anda, terus dan terus hingga kedalaman 10 level, maka pada saat itulah anda sangat mungkin mendapatkan cek $10,235.49 (sekitar Rp. 94.166.508,-) per bulan.

Temukan teman baru dan nikmati, berkenalan dengan ribuan member lainnya, nongkrong bareng dengan teman lama dan dapatkan dollar-nya :)

WARNING! Pilih Mana tetep dibudakin ma FRIENDSTER atau pindah ke YUWIE, di temen dapet..duit pun dapet..iya g???

klo lu pilih YUWIE…segera SIGN UP, klik JOIN NOW di bawah ini..!!!!

Daftar > Ajak Teman > Hang Out (seperti di FS) > Terima cek $ dari Yuwie

Jika sudah signup, maka Anda akan dihadapkan pada iklan-iklan yang dipasang di Yuwie. Klik aja tulisan "SKIP" untuk meninggalkannya jika Anda memang tidak berminat menanggapi iklan tersebut.

Trik mendapatkan downline sebanyak-banyaknya :
- Setelah anda mendaftar di YUWIE sebaiknya anda membuat website atau blog, saran kami anda membuat blog karena relatif lebih mudah.

- Jika anda mengalami kesulitan kalimat dalam menyusun website atau blog, silahkan saja kopi paste kalimat yang ada dalam web ini

- Promosikan blog atau website anda ke media chat, forum-forum, atau media iklan online gratisan


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Making Alert in Friendster

Fan of Friendster know that Friendster is a big social community in internet. But some of them do not know that it has some weaknesses on its security. One of them is at someone’s profile. At the profile, there are four places where HTML can be active. They are at shootout, about me, whom I want to meet, and testimonials/comments. Some people often cracks someone’s profile through the testimonials

This is the concept. Write the HTML/JavaScript on the post comment box. But change the more than symbol (>) and less than symbol (<) with "& l t ;" and "& g t ;" (without space) .Remember that do not give any enter because Friendster will read it as . But I tell you about it not to make you become a cracker. I want you to use it just for positive purposes, so that your Friendster profile becomes better than before.

Use "alert" to make welcome message
Open your edit profile. Then in the "about me" box, write the JavaScript in the end of it. Here is the example:
<script language="javascript"> alert(‘Welcome to my Friendster profile’); </script>
Once again, change the symbols > and <, also do not give any enter to the script.
What is the effect? The effect is when you open the profile which has been given the script, an alert "Welcome to my Friendster profile" will appear immediately. Click the image below to get bigger and clearer screen shot!

You can beautify your Friendster profile by using other tags, and it depends on your HTML or JavaScript knowledge. Then, remember that cracking someone’s site is a crime. Do not ever do this!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Algorithm in Programming Concept

When we learn about programming concept, we will often find word "algorithm". What is "algorithm"? Algorithm is sequenced logic steps which explain some tasks to do something or solve some problems. If we can make algorithm easily, we will be able to make program in programming language easily to. Because we just need to translate the algorithm to be written in program maker, for example Turbo Pascal.

Writing Algorithm
We can write algorithm using three ways:
  1. Write the algorithm in natural language (English, Melayu, or other human language), but this way is ambiguous generally
  2. Using flowchart. Flowchart is diagram that show us the logic sequence of a problem solving procedure. This is good visually, but difficult to make if the algorithm too long.
  3. Using pseudo-code. Pseudo-code is a way to write algorithm using the style of certain programming language, so this way is nearer to programming language. But its negative side is difficult to be understood by people that do not know about programming.

Main Aspect of Algorithm
Algorithm has some aspects that must be had:
  1. Finiteness, algorithm must be stopped after a finite number of steps.
  2. Definiteness, each step must be defined correctly and may not be confusing (ambiguous).
  3. Input, an algorithm has no or more than one input that is given to the algorithm before it is run.
  4. Output, an algorithm has one or more output, which is depended on the input.
  5. Effectiveness, every algorithm should be effective

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Types of Programming Language

In Computer, there are some software which help us to do some works. Some of them can be used for making program. This type of software usually called Programming Language. The examples of the applications are Assembler, Visual Basic, Pascal, Java, PHP, C, C++ etc. By using those software, we can make a cashier program like in supermarket, other software, even some viruses, that disturbing and can make the victims get frustrated.

I will not tell you how to make the programs now, but I will tell you what programming language is, and the types of programming language. Programming language is a way or procedure which is used for writing or arranging a program. Programming is a process to implement the algorithm by arranging computation program using programming language.

There are four types of programming language:

Low Level Language
The data is processed quickly, because the content of the data consist of 0 and 1. But we will fell difficult to make the program because of that too.
Example: Assembler.
Interaction in low level language:

Middle Level Language
This type is the medium one. Not too quick to run the program, and not too hard to make it. There like low level language types, but there like high level language types too.
Example: C, C++.

High Level Language
We can easily make a program by using this type, because it uses human language (using English generally). But the process of the data is not quick enough because the commands have to be translated to machine language (the data is changed to be 0 and 1).
Example: Pascal, Visual Basic, Delphi.
Interaction in high level language:

Object Oriented Language
This type of programming language is focused on an object, where this object is can be used and opened in the other programming language.
Example: Java, PHP.